Our Environmental Choices

Products to Feel Good About
WM Boutique started as a company with very strong values. Nothing we would sell would ever, intentionally, harm an animal, person or our planet.
It's a promise we have stayed trued to. And that means you can buy your paints, accessories, home decor and furniture from us, guilt-free, knowing you have picked the safest possible option for yourself, your family and the environment.

No VOC (Volatile Order Compounds)

No TACs (Toxic Air Contaminants)

No HAPs (Hazardous Air Pollutants)


Environment Friendly

No Toxins

No Odours

Nursery\Pet Safe
Cruelty-free Products
At WM Boutique, we are proud to offer a range of cruelty-free products. It has always been our policy to never sell or profit from any products that were tested on animals or used animal hair, skin, bone, etc. We are committed to providing our customers with high-quality, eco-friendly, and ethical paint options.

VOC-free Paint
We absolutely adore our homes. But, crucially, let's talk home health. A major health threat? VOCs, lurking in your home, adding to indoor air pollution. So, what are VOCs?
They're "volatile organic compounds": Carbon-filled compounds released as gases, tainting your indoor air. In cleansers, disinfectants, sprays, furniture, and yes, paints. VOCs can trigger eye, nose, and throat irritation, headaches, and allergies.
How to dodge VOCs at home?
Since indoor air can be 10 times dirtier than outside, cut back on high-pollution products. Opt for ones promoting healthier indoor air — paint, decor and furniture included. At WM Boutique, we exclusively offer products supporting cleaner indoor air, with top-notch performance. This's vital in places like the UAE, where outdoor painting is rare due to extreme weather conditions.